Sunday, September 26, 2004


I have never felt so depressed before. Dilemna sets in like a foreign object. We have been together, with happy times and more recently, the bad. What constitutes a relationship? I have really no idea. Makes me feel so confused. Won't it be great if someone has a set of requirements for which a relationship can be built upon? That way, I wun have to grapple with the issues i have now. Should I be happy that she compromises for me, gives in to me whenever we argue or when I am in a foul mood? Is it not healthy then for a relationship to be built this way? What do I exactly want? Love and commitment or freedom to do what I want. The grass is always greener on the other side. Yet, why am I hesitating to give this relationship up? Or why do I desire freedom when I am supposedly in bliss now? She treats me well, and gives me all I can ever want and more from a partner. Yet why am i not satisfied? Why do I always feel that there is something missing & that we are not meant to be. Why?