Monday, October 18, 2004

eQuaLitY - rEaLitY oR iDeaL?

Was learning about economic welfare today in school. Went away being more cynical about income equality in the world than ever. Pretty much think its more a deSire that's never possible.

--Extrapolated it to reality.--
Got a new phone, and sista was so jealous. Immediately, dad wanted to get exactly the phone i have for my sister, so that we can be "equals" *Roll eyes*

--Extrapolated to love life --
Is it ever possible that in a relationship, both can be equals in all aspects? In giving & receiving, in loving the other & sacrificing oneself? As for the tangible part, would it be possible for both to come from totally different backgrounds; academic/family/social circle/age etc, and still be together for a long time? I guess there will always be societal pressure for conformity. "For bamboo to bamboo door, wooden door to wooden door." Well, if you ask me, CY has taught me to view things from a open manner & at many angles or perspectives. It will be hard when two are not equals; differences will arise. Thats when dating before commitment is important. Over time, it will show if two "unequals" can date :)