Friday, March 11, 2005

selfish time

Did well for my test,
but guess its a high price to pay:
The expectations from everyone
that the next test ll be equally well or better.

Sometimes i dunno why I work so hard.
To fulfill my own expectations
or to live up to others'
One thing is for sure,
Their standards is sure suffocating

Am so sick of being responsible
That everything I do,
I worry about how others ll react.
Am going to live free for once.
Do as I please,
Selfish, but liberating.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

daily update

Learning Excel now.
Boy m I not excelling at visual basic
It ain basic at all.
But I ll be glad to teach any,
if I get the hang of it.

Mid of March now,
Let's see if someone's words are true,
Or will she eat the dust, as expected.
But I have learnt to count my blessings
Apparently she borrowed hundreds from others
With the usual promise to return,
But only return to borrow more.
Yepz.. no names mentioned but its
Not voldemont la

Am really crappy.
Guess its all the lack of sleep,
and the need to start exam revision.

Fellow Muggers, anyone?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

at peace

Full acceptance with composure
Realised with certainity
There is no chance of us
Not even to keep the level of friendship before
Its just a simple truth.

We drifted apart

Much as we try,
things are different.
We should just let nature takes it course
No need to bemoan the loss of what cant be regained
What ll be ll be.

No longer bitter
Am at peace
The struggle has finally given up its ghost.