Saturday, February 12, 2005

loVefools we aLl are..

All around me,
I see people feeling for one another.
Yet their love AIN reciprocated.
Giving all & more of themselves,
Just to make the other happy.
Is it worth it?

Foolishness it is, maybe.
But who am I to judge?
After all, I am guilty too.
Guilty of being a love-fool.

Cupid-oh cupid dear,
Shoot your arrow
Straight & clear
Make it mutual,
Don't hurt these ppl here.
I have paid my price,
DOn't maKe these frEns of mine,
Trod the paTh that I have madE.

Its too painfUl,
thiS exPerieNce I have
To wIsh uPon oThers.
ProTect tHem,
gIve them the HappinEss they deServe.

Cupid-oh cupid dear,
thIs i asK of You.
Give mY freNs loVe..
the One they deSire.
LeSt theY giVe in VaiN