Saturday, March 19, 2005

Settling Down

Supposed to start revision last week
Managed to start
Though am way behind plan
I ought to wake up
Stop thinking of play
Stop dreaming

Need the grades badly
To achieve what I want
My love life taken a backseat
The least I can do
Is to succeed in my studies

Time to pull up my socks..
Be a professional mugger for the next 3 weeks

But before I go,
I must write this down before I forget
Huang Cheng was good yesterday.
Loved the first play the most
Portrayed love as a see-saw,
Delicately Balanced.
How many of us did things we regret,
But its too late to turn back the clock?

Insightful & reflective piece,
Ingenious use of lighting & props.
Loving theater as always

Monday, March 14, 2005

Goal Seek

Alrights, alrights.
Its officially 4 weeks to the exams.
I am swearing off my blog
Unless there is a urgent need
To spill out my brains;
Make space for knowledge:
Information on Business Law,
Management accounting & Analytical Skills.

So hopefully
I dont prove the link right,
that stress causes senileness
Forbid that to happen ya?

Goal setting time!
May I make the mark.
People who wanna study,
You guys can come look for me

Having fun-ners?
I may consider :P
Its still hard to instill self-discipline

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Rgs.. beautiful memories..

Went back to RGS yesterday.
My alma mater.
Feels weird to refer to it that way,
'Cuz it still feels like home
Even after 4 years of leaving it.

Walked down memory lane,
Every corner of the school,
New and Old
Remembering the old days
When we were just students there

Sleeping over during camps,
Doing drills in the quadrangle.
Taking photos everywhere,
And not forgetting, the canteen food

Couldnt help being nostalgic
The past 4 years have been tough
Subjected to reality, life's tumbles.
RGS is like a sanctuary always.

Looking at my juniors,
Some 7 years removed from me
Seeing them go through the process
Of what i had experienced.
A wistful feeling inside me.

Filiae Melioris Aevi:
Daughters of a better age