Saturday, March 05, 2005


raindrops are dropping down my cheek again.
Tastes bitter

Friday, March 04, 2005

Writing a Book!

haha..its Friday =]
Feeling better after the test
Yet am starting to cough.

Am in the library
Supposed to study,
But doing everything except that.
Library has lots of eye candy,
Considering the typical stereotypes of bungs.

A brainwave came to me last night
For those uninformed,
I am still on my CY

kinda lost sight of it
But I am back on track
*Yeps* =]
Am attempting to record it all down
Publish into a book,
Or just edit as a report
For future reference
Or as a guide to others.

Anyone interested? :P

Thursday, March 03, 2005

a nightmare

Was debating if I should post this on
Struggled and finally decided to do so.

Am sick again.
Cut class for the first time
But decide to make up by attending tomorrow's

Had a bad night's sleep
Dreamt that she proposed to another
The gal even had a name
"Rand Lee" =]
Her name in the dream was also different.
It was vivid,
Her running to Rand with flowers,
And a lock in hand

I remember running away
Uttering "No" in denial
Then I lost it,
Called her over the phone,
Asked her about it.

She explained to me
That she feel for me still
That she saw how real I felt for her then

The tears I shed woke me up.
It was but a dream,
Yet I could not help but wonder
What if it was reality?

Would I flip like I did in the dream?
I would emulate my only friend
Silently suffer and be strong

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Short & sweet

haha.. been blogging more often now than ever.
Taking a break from my work la.

Am sick again!!!
Can someone kindly invent a nose-unblocker?
In the library,
Trying to be quiet
But my nose is a nuisance.
Cannot have smooth flow of air.

Shopping tomorrow evening..
but got test on Friday :[

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Still thinking of you

Last day teaching my nightmare,
Am so thankful for the free time now I have.
Hopefully I can catch up with my work,
Do well for my exams,
Land a scholarship perhaps
And lessen my $$ troubles.

Arranged for mugger sessions,
Pray they ll force me to work
Enable me to reach my full utility point.

Wonder if I am doing all this,
For what it seems to be,
Or to suppress something else.
I hope its the former.

Just some thoughts which I had yesterday
Which I haven post.
Here goes :

Listening to my Mamma Mia Cd
it was with you that I watched the play.
enjoyed it lots
That day gave me lots of good memories
Thoughts I ll cherish always.
Is it really impossible to forget you?
Or else how long will I take?
Everywhere I go, that we have gone before
You ll pop up
Relive-ing the times we had as close friends
Every single detail, smile and laughter
I guess we ll never have those moments again
Funny how i remember all these
How special and precious they are
Thanks for teaching me to value these simple things.
I miss you.

I think I have let go,
Forgetten not though.
Its true,
Time does wonders
I pray.

Monday, February 28, 2005

pest student.

Someone commented that I should be nice
Hence I should not refer to my student
as a pest.
*Ahem* you know who you are :)

Lemme paint u the picture.
If a student says she ll call
When she wants tuition,
and she doesn't call,
rational behaviour is ...

Then she turns up at your door,
Like a bad egg.
Just when famished me is about to tuck in.
*yups* exactly that happened.

and imagine,
having revised her work means
reading through.
No need to understand or memorise,
just reading will do. :)

Boy' am i glad tml is her last day!

Hanging in Here..

Saw this on someone's Fridae account
That one of the most painful things in life
is to insist that You have already let go,
when actually you still love that person.

I wonder if that is true for me

Occasionally still thinking about her,
Yet learning to stand alone,
And live independently.
Its not easy.

Life is just getting through the hours,
the days and months
Till you breathe your last
Sleep is when the reflief comes
The ability to just ignore life's reality

Let my pest student go.
Though its a huge loss of income,
I guess it was worth it for sanity.

More time now to breathe
More time for revision and leisure (I hope)
Lady Salsa was good,
I wanna learn to dance.
To realize that dream.