Friday, April 29, 2005


Moving on
Last week was a pivotal point
I saw the true colours of reality
And grew up more than I wished

This blog started off
Reflection being its aim
I had enough reflection
Its time to move on

Need to reconcile now
What I learnt from reflection
And what is to come
For that I move on

Bid this chapter goodbye

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Dear all who read this blog,
Please be informed that with effect from
The date that I get my act together
This blog will either be shifted
Or given a password

A blog to me shares my inner most thoughts
And lately, I feel its becoming harder to do so.
Because of the people who read the blog,
And the drifting apart of me & "u"
I now find the need to practise self-censorship
Which in short, is shortchanging myself
Of the honesty that I so prized

So in short,
expect what is coming ur way.
Just tying some loose ends.


Monday, April 25, 2005


Managed to get a job
Mixed feelings about it.
At the very least,
it provides a source of income
and less time on unneccessary thoughts.

Heard this interesting quote today:
Integrity is doing what you like best

Well then I must be in lack of much;
Alot of things I do
Not cuz I like them best,
but rather cuz its what suits everyone best
Or cuz I see them as a need.

Realised that I am a person
who must tie up loose ends
Before moving on.
If I said I like you..
and then I move on,
While we are on good terms,
I think I ll inform you
That i did fall for someone else.
Kinda so that you wun feel surprised
Nor "betrayed" at finding out yourself
That I had a change of heart

is this the average person's reaction,
Even though we are not accountable?
After all, we did claim to "wait" for the person.
Ain it fair/polite to just inform?
Anyone wants to responds?

Guess am pretty ramble-ly today
Separators in my teeth
Making them ache-y
Me ready for liquid diet le
*dull ache

Realise I am not very apt
In talking in circles
I shall try harder next time

Gee.. this is my lousiest post as yet. So incoherent!