Saturday, December 25, 2004


I drank... cried bitterly.. and thought about the times we had.
Not necessarily in that order,
But I did all.

Deleted all your messages.
Am moving on for real this time now.
Never had you,
And never ll have.
That's the reality I have to face.

Am going to shut the door now for good..
Will never let it open.

Will never allow myself to get hurt over you again.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Crying for You

I sit here every night,
Looking at the stars above.
Those bright & gentle reminders,
Of the past paradise.

I sit here every night
Looking around my quiet room.
Seeing so many things,
Which serve to remind me of you.

I am thinking of you.
Wishing that I can catch a glimpse,
Of what we used to have..

I'm yearning for you.
There were so many roads to choose,
but you chose this.

Oh why this?
I'm still crying for you.

Oh why this?
I'm still...

Crying for you.

-The Choice'99-

Sunday, December 19, 2004


You could probably plunge a knife into me right now, & it would hurt less than how I feel emotionally now.

That sounds corny, and one might just argue that since I don't know how painful a knife wound is, how could I possibly compare?

Fact : I 'm hurting so much inside, more than that which I would admit to anyone. Simply having no idea how to deal with it, nor how much more I could keep it in. Never wanted so much to find an outlet to numb the burden, to feel no more. Yet having nowhere else to run to, I could only stay & learn to be strong.

Day by Day, you linger on at the outskirts of my mind
Like a shadow lurking around,
Never to be out of sight.
Moments of laughter & happiness,
Marred by your presence
When will my joy be untainted?
And when will I be whole again?