Monday, November 01, 2004


Choices are everywhere. Everything I do, I have to decide. Apart from taking into consideration what I want, I have to consider what others feel. It's always easy to say that one just has to do what one desires, and that what others think does not matter. This is utter crap. How many of us honestly does not succumb to societal pressure? How many of us will stand strong in times of adversity and say out loud "This is who I am, and what I want."? Not caring what others think, risking their snide remarks or perhaps in other situations, hurting others, just to be who you are and have what you want? I am dis-illusioned. Big Time. For popularity sake, people hide their identity, do things against what they are to pander to what the crowd wants. For a easy way out, people just opt for the choice that allows them to cater to others' needs, even though its not what they want. Else they choose the other side of the coin, and then "face the music" for taking action to get what they want. Shows how much choices are a "individual" thing huh. Think before making choices. Think real hard, 'cos you would not want to regret making a wrong choice and then make another choice again. It does not affect just you, a single person. It involves others!

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