Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Am in school now. Finally managed to finish all the assignments that is required of me for the week. *phew*

Been a long 2 weeks. Had been coughing for a week and 4 days counting. Thought I ll never recover and have a good night sleep. Finally it seems to be subsiding. Can't wait for the day I can say adiyos to my medicine.

Valentine Day was fine.. my first vdae in 3 years that I celebrated being single. Sam came over with Mikko to give me something. Left me affected for a while but I bounced back. Conclusion? I think I'm finally letting go.

Moral of my experience: Don't lend people money. It may seem too money-minded of me to blast your name here, but guess what? I don't care. Jordan borrowed money from me and now that I want it back, she totally disappeared. Not replying my messages nor answering my calls. Read on her blog that she has a new girlfriend. So much for really being in love with me *rolls eyes*

dad's here to pick me for my next tuition. gotta go. so much for the luxury of blogging.Hee.. just remembered my only friend says my blog too chim..always in poetry form. Well, here is a prose one.. so no killing of ur brain cells :)

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