Saturday, February 05, 2005

loVinG iT!

LiFe is Good..
BeJewELLed is Addictive

No longer living each day,
Waiting to hear from her.
Life sMells sO much mOre of frEedoM.
Although OccasioNal tHoughts cRept In,
Yet I aM so muCh bEttEr foRe-arMed.

Busy with scHool, buSy with decisionS to maKe.
In need of sleep, in need of thee.
I leaRn tO survIve,

I still Like her..
buT i haVe nO moRe exPectatIons.
What iS to coMe 'll cOme,
Reality is aCcepTed wiTh peAce.

I diD it!

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