Tuesday, February 22, 2005

the past is back to haunt

the past always catches up with you
no matter how you fight it

I thought I had let it go
But it was back to haunt me

Yes, I was cheap
I was living many lies.
Lies even my closest friends have no idea of
Lies that will shock them.
Plenty of skeletons in my closet

People who read my blog,
Most of you mean something
Except for the few
Whom I have seen your true colours.

Those who mean something,
How would you all react if I will to come clean?
Coming clean would free from the past
But would I be strong enough
Able to deal with the consequences?

I wanna let go,
To come clean.
And I wanna tell you all the truth
Honesty I prize
And I want my friendships to be built on trust
On honesty

People who hurt me can just screw themselves
I am going to post my skeletons..
Watch for the next post

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