Sunday, March 27, 2005


Was tempted to give it a miss,
After all, humans were never known
For liking to face up to reality

I went.
Felt so out of place,
If not for Yun-Jie,
Who kept me company throughout.
Many thanks gal =)
And you look good in the sari,
no matter what others say.

Apart from having a decent time
Chatting with Yun-jie about stuff,
It was reality alright.

It was clear for all to see
where the close friendship went.
We barely exchanged any words
Apart from pleasantries.
The extreme end of what we used to have.
I guess I am finally accepting it
Seeing it all with my own eyes.
Sad, but life is such.
Its the price to pay, I guess
For being honest about the way I feel

Its Easter Day today,
The celebration of birth
For me, I celebrate
The pride of being honest
The price of being honest.

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