Sunday, March 13, 2005

Rgs.. beautiful memories..

Went back to RGS yesterday.
My alma mater.
Feels weird to refer to it that way,
'Cuz it still feels like home
Even after 4 years of leaving it.

Walked down memory lane,
Every corner of the school,
New and Old
Remembering the old days
When we were just students there

Sleeping over during camps,
Doing drills in the quadrangle.
Taking photos everywhere,
And not forgetting, the canteen food

Couldnt help being nostalgic
The past 4 years have been tough
Subjected to reality, life's tumbles.
RGS is like a sanctuary always.

Looking at my juniors,
Some 7 years removed from me
Seeing them go through the process
Of what i had experienced.
A wistful feeling inside me.

Filiae Melioris Aevi:
Daughters of a better age

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