Wednesday, October 06, 2004

LiVe, gRoW, bUt dUn lOsE yOurseLf

"Being in a relationship should be comfortable. Compulsion only
brings about misery. Why not opt out of it then?"

Do everything that you ever want to do. Live life to the fullest, and dun have any regrets. Everyone says that, but in the midst of exploring, it is so easy to lose track of oneself. Going with the flow, I now find myself losing track of reality. I reflected and realised that the distance between reality and what I want is now too huge to reconcile. I no longer know what it is exactly that I desired, be it freedom or commitment. Would i rather be loved, or forgo it for self-realization. Deep down, I know what I want, but will I be bold enough to make the decision, or just passive enough to go along with the flow and somehow pray that things would go the way that it should. Would it be SeLF before OthErs or oTheRs beFore sElf?

"We just have to face it, this time we're through,
Breaking up is never easy, i know but i have to go"

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