Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Moving On

I was who I was, I am who I am, I''ll be who I'll be

With this, I am moving on. All the conflicts that I had faced within myself throughout the reflection process so far, they are now all laid to rest. The process of accepting my past was not easy, but with the support of many loved ones, it was eventually possible. Tears were shed, internal struggles were rife, but the end is now finally in sight. Its only at times like this that one ll come to appreciate the support network one has, and can see clearly who are the friends who truly can "connect" and be there. I am now ready to move on, knowing in me what I want.

Told the people that needed to know what I felt inside. Tied up all the loose ends that I have to, including those that I was hesitant to do. Now I am ready to move on. Kinda anticipating what the future will hold, though not exactly knowing what it entails. Well, all I have to do now is to stay strong, stick to what I believe & have decided, and the rest will fall in place.

Yet, the learning journey ain over. It is a continuous process.. Its just that this part of it is completed.. and I am beginning a new one.

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