Thursday, March 03, 2005

a nightmare

Was debating if I should post this on
Struggled and finally decided to do so.

Am sick again.
Cut class for the first time
But decide to make up by attending tomorrow's

Had a bad night's sleep
Dreamt that she proposed to another
The gal even had a name
"Rand Lee" =]
Her name in the dream was also different.
It was vivid,
Her running to Rand with flowers,
And a lock in hand

I remember running away
Uttering "No" in denial
Then I lost it,
Called her over the phone,
Asked her about it.

She explained to me
That she feel for me still
That she saw how real I felt for her then

The tears I shed woke me up.
It was but a dream,
Yet I could not help but wonder
What if it was reality?

Would I flip like I did in the dream?
I would emulate my only friend
Silently suffer and be strong

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