Saturday, April 09, 2005


I know I am supposed to be still studying
But somehow this semester,
I lack the zest as I had last year.
Could it be the different surroundings?
The different subjects?
I know not.

What I do know is that I feel saturated
Everything I come across seems to apply
Mention "ABC" & I think ABC costing
Mention "eh, no guarantee" & exemption clauses
Are all that came to mind.
Should I feel relieved or weird out?
Sheesh, I cant wait for it to be over

Then it will be the promotion event
Kinda weird helping out after so long
And in full uniform somemore
Used to be confident that I can handle
Prepared for contingent situations
Yet now I am a twingl-ing worried
Fearful that I ll let myself down

As if I dun have enough to grapple with,
Now I have to deal with being insecure
Fearful and doubts of my own competence

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