Sunday, April 03, 2005

post exam activities

Out of sheer boredom
Studying discharge of contract,
leading to Frustration
(one of the methods of discharge)
I now breach my own contract
A agreement of studying and no blogging.

Gee, that was crappy ya?
But had to put into use what I revised.
Foresee the next few posts to be similar,
Provided they are before the exams.
Thats a fundamental premise,
which is essential to the formation of my conclusion

Cannot wait for exams to be over.
Foresee lots of activities =)

1. Find a job
2. Pinic with grpmates at Botanical Gardens
3. Sound of Music with yearmateys
4. Learn Salsa with my good friend
5. Learn swimming with a new friend
6. Put on braces
7. CCA Stuff which is not finalised

And thats for April..
Can't wait for May
Where some activities are in the brewing
*Anticipation with glee*

Here is a simple analytical skill exercise:

-If Cynthia's friends ask her out,
then she will find time for them
& she will definitely go.

-Cynthia's friends ask her out

> whats the conclusion?

Btw, that's an underlying hint
A hint of invitation =P

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