Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Man's psyche

2 papers down, 1 more to go
Yet everything feels surreal
Going through the process
Without feeling any emotions
No sense of relief,joy nor delight
I plod on

Just merely looking forward
To that thats' in store after the exams
Thats the sustanence I draw from
And of cuz, all those who msg me
The encouragement that drives me on

Many thanks to all who did,
Especially penny dear
Who doesn't read my blog.
Sometimes we have no idea
The impact of our actions
How small they seem to us,
Yet how appreciated they are to others

Something someone said today made me think
"I am a goner, I only hope everyone is a goner."
Gee, how many of us have said that
Or even felt that way before?
Is that right?
To wish woe upon others
Merely because woe is upon ourselves?
I disagree.
Should I not do well,
It's through my own fault
Why should I wish the same on others then?
Man's psyche is such,
That we are selfish
We wish others to bemoan with us.

We should seriously try to change
Its hard to be happy for others,
But the least we can do
Is not to wish others to be
In the same sad fate as ourselves.

This thinking should not be encouraged

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