Friday, April 15, 2005

thankful for everything

Am really thankful to my body
For choosing the right time
that all the blocked nose,
And terrible cough came.
It started a little during promos,
and is moving on to full scale.
Tear-ring from the coughs now =[

Promotion was interesting,
A-midst the juniors'cheers & ranting,
When we went to receive our new rank,
I felt I belonged for a teeny moment.
All the friendships that I forged
It put a smile on my face =]
Then it all came back.
Sad case that as volunteers,
Our main intention is to help
Yet as with everywhere else,
Politics infiltrate and ruin
The innocence of everything.
Am so tempted to resign,
Yet inspired by the seniors,
Who helped solely on their desire to.

Realised I am a true Gemini
My interests are so varied,
I am amazed by myself.
Business/ Theater/ Human Psyche
Sometimes I wish that I can study all 3
Gee, can't I just concentrate on one?
Afterall what if I turn out to be
A jack of all trades,
and master of none?

Btw: new photos are up!

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