Thursday, April 21, 2005


Talking helps to put things into perspectives
Realised why I was so upset

Part of the reason being
I prize honesty over everything
Yet the irony is
I cannot be totally honest to that someone

Hate it when I have to fake emotions
Pretend to be fine,
To be gracious and flippant;
Pretend not to care and say
"No big deal, its fine =]"

When actually it does matter
Especially when your actions seem just to assuage your guilt,
And you dun seem to really mean what you say
At least, thats the way I view it;
Then all I want to say is
"Spare me, You live your life, and I live mine. Don't act apologetic when its your choice to do so"
Yet I lie and pretend that all is fine,
sparing you a hard time

The truth will hurt;
And I guess all ll be amazed
By how honesty ll make me seem so mean
Take your pick, which cyn will u prefer?
The honest but mean one,
Or the nice but untruthful one?

*gives a new spin to the word "tactful"

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