Tuesday, April 19, 2005

stress stress stress

Dunno where to start from;
This week just got off with a bad start.
Mother actually confronted me yesterday
"Are you in that kind of relationship?"
By which, she was asking if I am a lesbian

It took all of my control nerves
to calmly disclaim
"I am single now"
It hurt that she was my mother,
And I could not be totally honest

Granted, I told a truth
But its only a half truth
As we learn in law,
silence that constitutes a half truth
makes the whole statement a misrepresentation
*consumed by guilt

Whats worse is that her stand broke
Upon my sister's persistent questioning,
and her final conclusion was:
"I have spent so much $$ on you, the last thing I want is for you 2 to be in that kind of relationship."
Upon hearing that,
my heart sank.
I felt like an investment plan to her
A retirement plan.

I dun deny that I ll take care of her old days
But hell, what has that got to do with my sexuality?
Does being a les mean I cannot take care of her?
Why must I choose between family and me;
How I wish that both can co-exist in peace & honesty
Alienating myself from the family is painful,
But i guess thats the price to pay
For being a lesbian.

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